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- Disposable Medical Equipment Covers GCMedica offers a range of sterile single use equipment covers to maintain instant sterile filed for theatre equipment in operating room. Our products include camera cover, operating light handle cover, C-arm drape and camera drape. Easy to use design provides cost effective and time saving solutions. More+
- ENFit Feeding Tube And Accessories | GCMEDICA GCMEDICA has a comprehensive range of nasogastric feeding tubes to feed a wide variety of patients from neonates to adults both in hospital and at home. They help patients who cannot obtain an adequa... More+
- الأجهزة الجراحية الطبية القابل للتصرف في أفريقيا | GCMEDICA Africa نحن GCMEDICA، التي تأسست في عام 1998. نحن الشركة الرائدة في الصين في مجال تصنيع الأجهزة الطبية الجراحية التي تستخدم ... More+
- Одноразовые медицинские хирургические изделия в России | GCMEDICA Russia Мы - GCMEDICA, основанная в 1998 году. Мы являемся ведущим китайским производителем одноразовых хирургических медицинских устройств. Более 23 лет мы уделяем внимание исследованиям, разработкам и производству одноразовых медицинских хирургических инструментов. Мы предоставляем клиентам сотни вариантов продукции, охватывающих потребности в продукции различных отделений больницы. More+
- Dispositivi medico chirurgici monouso in Europa | GCMEDICA Siamo GCMEDICA, fondata nel 1998. Siamo un produttore leader a livello mondiale di dispositivi medico chirurgici monouso con sede in Cina. Ci concentriamo sulla ricerca e sviluppo e sulla produzione di strumenti medico chirurgici monouso da oltre 23 anni. Forniamo ai clienti centinaia di opzioni di prodotto, che coprono le esigenze di prodotto dei vari reparti dell'ospedale. More+
- 中国の使い捨て外科用医療機器メーカー | GCMEDICA JAPAN 私たちは1998年に設立されたGCMEDICAです。当社は使い捨て外科用医療機器の中国の大手メーカーです。当社は 26 年以上にわたり、使い捨て医療器具および外科器具の設計、研究開発、製造に注力してきました。私たちはOEM&ODM会社です。自社ブランドGCMEDICAの運営に加え、多くの世界的に有名な医療機器ブランドへのOEMサービスも提供しています。 More+
- EZSCOPE™ PRO Single-use Bronchoscope | GCMEDICA Single use bronchoscope is one of our advantageous products. If you have any questions about the product, please leave us a message,we offer the best wholesale prices. More+
- Gastrostomy Tube Gastrastomy TubeFeatures:· Uses an internal retention disc that is deployed when the tube has been inserted into the stomachNo.Product codeDescription01GC3009B1212FR, without guidewire02GC3009B1414FR... More+
- Enteral Drainage Bag Enteral Drainage BagEnteral Drainage Bags to fit any compliant tubes is used for gastric drainage. The 500ml and 1000ml bags include integral tubing. The bags are made from soft EVA material.Features:... More+
- Manual Resuscitator Set Manual Resuscitator· Available with resuscitator kit, including manual resuscitator bag, anesthesia mask, oral airway, oxygen tubePVC manual resuscitatorPVC manual resuscitatorSizeKitGC8044A01AdultMa... More+
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- Tracheostomy Venturi Mask Tracheostomy Venturi MaskFeatures·Specialized venture style mask allows for the delivery of oxygen to a patient who has a tracheostomy.·Equipped with 6’’flextube, humidification hood.·Six color-c... More+
- Face Shield More+
- Laparoscopic & Endoscopic Products More+
- Oxygen Therapy An oxygen mask provides a method to transfer breathing oxygen gas from a storage tank to the lungs. More+